Consumers with Higher Credit Scores Benefit Financially
Closely managing your credit score is important, especially since consumers are reporting access to credit is harder to achieve right now. Your credit score is one of the key factors that lenders, like credit unions, use to approve a mortgage, auto loan, and credit...
Tips to Help you Decide When to Pay with Cash, Debit, or Credit
There are many advantages and disadvantages to using cash, debit, or credit for your spending needs. When should I use cash? Cash is still the best option for small transactions. It is also helpful when shopping at places that don’t accept debit or credit cards....
Tips to Teach Children How to Save and Spend
It is essential to start teaching your child about good spending habits from an early age. Then, as they get older, they will utilize those tips and be able to make smart financial choices for their own families. It can be difficult for a child to understand the...
Five Tips to Keep You on Track for Tax Season
Filing your taxes can be, well taxing, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible before the deadline. While it is true that most money-saving options to defer income or accelerate deductions are limited after Dec. 31, there are still many steps you can take to make...