Why You Should Finance Your Next Car Loan At Your Credit Union
When shopping for a new set of wheels, your first stop should be right here, at Day Air Credit Union. Though many people start their process on the dealer’s lot, you’ll enjoy a lower rate, a simpler loan application and other benefits by choosing to...
0% Credit Card Balance Transfer Options
You’re seeing a lot of 0% balance transfer ads and marketing letters lately. I’m sure it’s very tempting to finance a vacation, new appliance or television knowing you can transfer the balance for 0%. Doing so is what is commonly referred to as...
The Realities of Paying Off Student Loans
College graduates in Ohio are entering the workforce with high hopes, bright futures, and years’ worth of student loan debt. The average annual cost of tuition in Ohio was $14,804 for the 2016-2017 academic year, according to CollegeCalc. That’s $1,218...