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We at Day Air Credit Union believe that community is a part of our very essence and we demonstrate that throughout the year with community sponsorships and donations.

Of course, for all of us, our hearts are opened just a little wider during the Christmas and holiday season and we want to share a couple of the ways we have chosen to give back to the Kettering Community.

We are sponsoring an annual event at Polen Farm called “Polen Farm Christmas Day Gethering“. This event was first held 40 years ago and has blossomed due to the generosity of the City of Kettering, donors and volunteers. It was originally more for the senior population; now children’s activities are included and families are encourage to come as well. This year, they are expecting about 700 people to gather together for food and fun. Some of the highlights include:

  • Singing Christmas Carols
  • Pictures with Santa
  • Holiday Buffet
  • Cookie Decorating

This event would not happen without the seventy or so volunteers whose duties range from greeting guests to serving food. For more information please call (937) 296-2433.

Day Air is also participating in the Kettering Giving Tree program.

The City of Kettering takes referrals from the guidance counselors in the Kettering Schools. They work with guidance counselors to have parents fill out a form for each child listing their gender, age and gift ideas. The last several years, requests for basic clothing and warm coats have grown and needs for these items are also included on the tags. They work diligently to coordinate their efforts with other donation programs to avoid duplication of efforts.

They create a unique tag for each student which are placed on Christmas trees at the following locations:

  • The Charles Lathrem Center
  • Kettering Recreation Complex
  • Kettering Fitness and Wellness Center
  • Rosewood Arts Center
  • Kettering Government Center (North and South Buildings)

Generous members of the community select a tag or tags. They shop for the child on the tag and then return the gift, unwrapped, to one of the listed collection locations. The gifts are then wrapped by volunteers and distributed to the children.